2023/24: Karc

2022: The Showroom, Adam Shield

2021: Bryony Benge-Abbott, Freeling Pocket Park
2019: Molly Hawkins, Coexist Community Kitchen, Bristol
2018: Milton Keynes Gallery, City Club

2015: Pallant House, Lothar Goetz

2014: Vital Arts, Stephen Smith at the Royal London Hospital

2013: Ikon Gallery, David Tremlett

2011: St Mary's Paddington, Ron Haselden

2010: Pallant House, Spencer Finch

2009: Vital Arts, Oona Culley

2008: Milton Keynes Gallery, Richard Woods

2006: Pallant House, Susie MacMurray

2005: Kings College Hospital, Sara Manzotti

2004: James Aldridge, Barts Hospital and Rose Finn-Kelcey, St Paul's Church